The tools you need to understand how porn harms young people and what you can do about it
Courses that put you in control
Culture Reframed offers 3 FREE courses
- For Educators: Porn-Critical Sex Ed Curriculum
- For Parents of Tweens (ages 9 to 12): 13 Modules with Scripted Conversations, Specialist Videos, and More
- For Parents of Teens (ages 13 to 18): 12 Modules with Scripted Conversations, Specialist Videos, and More
Whether we like it or not, children as young as kindergarten learn about sex every day in our digital age. Advertising, music, TV, movies, and the Internet constantly bombard kids with a skewed version of sex and relationships.
Parents and educators can understandably feel helpless to act in this pervasive culture. But the truth is, they’re perfectly positioned to offer children alternative, healthy messages about sex and relationships.
Young people need trusted adults to help them build resilience and resistance to hypersexualized media and porn. Our free courses are best-practice toolkits that provide a science-backed framework to support gentle, safe conversations with young people about explicit content. Believe it or not, kids want you to have these conversations with them — even when they act like they don’t.
As a result, young people can prepare for what to do when they see porn and know they can approach a safe adult to talk about it without “getting in trouble.
All 3 courses are:
- Free to access
- Available online 24/7
- Backed by decades of rigorous peer-reviewed research, evidence, and scientific data
- Self-paced and easy to understand
- Divided into digestible modules that provide age-based and developmentally-appropriate educational videos, conversation scripts, and resources

Support Culture Reframed
We are delighted to offer our courses for free to the public. Please consider donating to help offset the costs of the development and distribution of these critical programs.