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December 2023: Pushing for Porn Critical Sex Education

Culture Reframed is the premier science-based, global organization working to stop the emotional, behavioral, and sexual harms of pornography to children and youth. Join our online community to receive updates on our work, announcements of upcoming events, and the latest news related to pornography and youth.

As 2023 comes to a close, we are both humbled and energized by the remarkable accomplishments and recognition we’ve achieved this year. It is a testament to the power of our work and the support of our community. Thank you for being a part of it.

The world is finally paying attention to the consequences of pornography on young people and taking action.

Over the past year, we’ve seen numerous states across the U.S. introduce age-verification legislation for pornography sites. And just recently, the U.K. announced its own version of an age-verification law as part of the Online Safety Bill.

We are pleased with this progress but know there is still much more work to be done.

Read on for our 2023 Year in Review for highlights of our achievements over the past 12 months and a preview of what’s ahead. We look forward to a new year of opportunities to advance our mission.

Wishing you all a happy, safe, and restful holiday season.

Culture Reframed’s 2023 Year in Review

Through conferences, podcasts, partnerships, and more, in 2023, Culture Reframed educated parents about the dangers of pornography, exposed the link between pornography and human trafficking, launched a porn-critical sex education curriculum, and hosted a groundbreaking conference on pornography’s impact on child sexual abuse. Here, we reflect on the culmination of our work this year and highlight four major themes that were represented in our efforts to stop the emotional, behavioral, and sexual harms of pornography to children and youth.

Thank You for Your Continued Support

With the support of our community, we are able to fulfill our mission of raising awareness and shifting cultural narratives about the impact of porn on kids. We invite you to make an end-of-year gift to support the continuation of this important work. Donations allow us to equip those who care for children with the tools and resources they need to respond to pornography’s ubiquitous presence.

Dr. Mandy Sanchez Attends the National Sex Ed Conference

“I am always taken aback by the number of folks who share stories about the harms of pornography to young people, whether as parents or educators.” — Dr. Mandy Sanchez, Culture Reframed Program Coordinator

In December, the Center for Sex Education hosted the annual National Sex Ed Conference, a groundbreaking event that stands out for its intentional focus on inclusion, diversity, and commitment to enhancing the lives of young people. Culture Reframed’s Dr. Mandy Sanchez traveled to D.C. to attend the 2023 convening. Read highlights from the conference here.

We Can’t Rely on the Government Alone to Stop Big Porn

In a new article for the Telegraph, Culture Reframed’s Dr. Gail Dines writes about a recent investigation of crimes related to sex trafficking and child exploitation. She highlights how mainstream financial companies make this harmful ecosystem possible.

What Others Are Saying

New Poll Finds Overwhelming Public Support for Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Kids From Online Harms

Nearly 9 in 10 U.S. voters support the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) which would adopt responsible safeguards. (Common Dreams)


Pornography and Teenagers: How to Critically Understand Online Porn

A survey sent out to the Digital4Good + #ICANHELP student team found that 67% said they would find it helpful to have an open dialogue about pornography with trusted adults in their lives. (#ICANHELP)

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