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Virtual Conference — Taking on Porn

Virtual Conference — Taking on Porn: Developing Resilience and Resistance through Sex Education

Pornography has become the primary form of sex education for young people. Studies show that the average age of kids’ first viewing of porn is between 8 and 11 and that teenagers turn to online pornography to learn about sex. What are the individual and societal implications of a generation of young people groomed by exposure to hardcore porn?

This conference is the first to explore best practices for developing sex education with a porn-critical lens while examining the key harms of porn — sexual violence, misogyny, and the increasing sexual commodification, monetization, and exploitation of young people.

Speakers will explore the impact of porn on the lives of adolescents and discuss approaches to effective progressive sex education in a culture permeated by porn and hypersexualized images. Attendees will leave with increased knowledge and skills to help support young people to think critically about intimacy, pleasure, and healthy relationships.

Speakers include experts from government agencies, NGOs, education, and academia from the US, UK, India, Sweden, and Turkey.

Information and Registration