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When Words Are Not Enough: The Search for the Effect of Pornography on Abused Women

When Words Are Not Enough: The Search for the Effect of Pornography on Abused WomenFull Article Name: When Words Are Not Enough: The Search for the Effect of Pornography on Abused Women

Open Access: No


Using data collected from 271 women participating in a battered women’s program, this study examines whether pornography use increases the probability that a battered woman will be sexually abused by her partner. The analysis also examines whether individual and certain disinhibitory factors, such as alcohol use, mediate or exacerbate the effects of pornography on sexual violence. Results of a logistic regression indicate that pornography use significantly increases a battered woman’s odds of being sexually abused. Compared to batterers who do not use pornography and alcohol, the combination of alcohol and pornography does increase the odds of sexual abuse.



Shope, J. H. (2004). When words are not enough: The search for the effect of pornography on abused women. Violence Against Women, 10(1), 56–72.