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Adolescent Pornography Use: A Systematic Literature Review of Research Trends 2000-2017

Adolescent Pornography Use: A Systematic Literature Review of Research Trends 2000-2017Full Article Name: Adolescent Pornography Use: A Systematic Literature Review of Research Trends 2000-2017

Open Access: No


Background: Pornography Use (PU) has been defined as the viewing of explicit materials in the form of pictures and videos, in which people are performing intercourse with clearly exposed and visible genitals. The prevalence of PU has increased dramatically among adolescents, partly attributed to the wide availability of such online material. Objective: The aim of this systematic literature review is to map the research interest in the field and to examine whether statistically significant results have emerged from the areas of research focus. Methods: To address these aims: a) the PRISMA guidelines are adopted and; b) an integrative conceptualization (derived from the merging of two widely accepted models of understanding of Internet use behaviours) was introduced to guide the synthesis of the findings. Results: In total, 57 studies were integrated into the present literature review. Findings were conceptualized/ classified into individual, contextual and activity factors related to PU in adolescence. In that context, individual associated factors, such as development, victimization, mental health and religiosity, appear to have primarily captivated research interest demonstrating significant relationships with adolescent PU. Conclusion: Results indicate that more research focus on contextual and activity related factors is required to improve the level of understanding of adolescent PU and to inform a more holistic conceptual framework of understanding of the phenomenon during adolescence that could potentially guide future research.


Alexandraki, K., Stavropoulos, V., Anderson, E., Latifi, M. Q., & Gomez, R. (2018). Adolescent pornography use: A systematic literature review of research trends 2000-2017. Current Psychiatry Reviews, 14(1), 47–58.