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Physical Health

Can Time To Ejaculation Be Affected By Pornography?

CAN TIME TO EJACULATION BE AFFECTED BY PORNOGRAPHY?Full Article Name: Can Time To Ejaculation Be Affected By Pornography?

Open Access: Yes


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: With the ubiquitous Internet accessibility cyberpornography has never been easier to access. Research findings may support potential side effects of porn on male sexual health. The aim of this study was to investigate whether prolonged time to ejaculation was associated with porn consumption. METHODS: Data was obtained from an online anonymous questionnaire using Qualtrics®. Apart from standard demographic questions, participants were asked about their sexual habits. Sexual function was evaluated using questions from the IIEF-5 score and the MSHQ. Men, that had been sexual active in the last four weeks, were asked about the feeling of prolonged time to ejaculation with partner and could choose from the following answers; never, less than half of times, half of times, most of times or all of times. We calculated the time in minutes per week masturbating to porn and analysed if the time masturbating to porn was different in the response categories. To analyse differences a Kruksal-Wallis H test was used. RESULTS: 3,033 men completed the questionnaire of which 687 (22.7%) where excluded as they did not have sexual activity for the last four weeks and 15 men had missing data. In total, 2,331 men (76.9%), median age 31, was used for statistical analysis regarding ejaculation with partner during the last four weeks. The differences in means and medians of time masturbating to porn between men with different responses are shown in table 1. The Kruksal-Wallis H test showed significant differences between the response categories (p < 0,0001) with significantly more time masturbating to porn in those always having an ejaculation problem compared to those who had this feeling never, less- and half of times. CONCLUSIONS: A clear trend was seen in men frequently having the feeling of prolonged time to ejaculation and weekly time masturbating to porn. Men who always had the feeling of prolonged time to ejaculations with partner masturbate significantly more time to porn per week than men having this feeling; never, less- or half of times. This finding should be further analysed taking into account possible confounders such as smoking, civil status, depression and medications. Urological evaluation of male sexual dysfunction should also focus on the patient’s frequency and time masturbating to porn.


    Fog-Poulsen, K., Jacobs, T., Høyer, S., Rohde, C., Vermande, A., De Wachter, S., & De Win, G. (2020). Pd28-09 can time to ejaculation be affected by pornography? The Journal of Urology, 203, 615.