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Child-on-child (Peer-on-peer) Sexual Abuse

Characteristics and Risk Factors in Juvenile Sexual Offenders

Characteristics and risk factors in juvenile sexual offendersFull Article Name: Characteristics and Risk Factors in Juvenile Sexual Offenders

Open Access: No


Background: It is estimated that juvenile sexual offences constitute about 7% of the total annual rate of sexual offences in Spain. Nevertheless, research on Spanish juvenile sex offenders (JSO) is virtually non-existent. This paper analyzes the risk factors related to sexual violence committed by adolescents. Method: The participants were 73 adolescents (M = 15.68 years, SD = 1.12) aged between 14 and 18, who were serving a sentence for committing a sexual offence in various Spanish Autonomous Regions. In this descriptive study multiple methods were used to collect the data: court records, self-reports, along with an interview with the JSO and with the professionals involved. Results: Risk factors related to family history, certain personality characteristics, and the development of “inadequate sexualisation” (96% of cases) were analyzed. This latter variable was mainly related to an early onset of pornography consumption (70%), to a sexualized family environment (26%), and to sexual victimization during childhood (22%). Conclusion: These results are consistent with international research on juvenile sex offending, so we can conclude that the process of development of sexualization from infancy onwards should be deeply examined with regard to sexual violence.


    Siria, S., Echeburúa E, & Amor, P. J. (2020). Characteristics and risk factors in juvenile sexual offenders. Psicothema, 32(3), 314–321.