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Mental Health

Development and Validation of a Scale for the Assessment of Psychosocial Issues Associated with Internet Pornography among Male University Students

Development and Validation of a Scale for the Assessment of Psychosocial Issues Associated with Internet Pornography among Male University StudentsFull Article Name: Development and Validation of a Scale for the Assessment of Psychosocial Issues Associated with Internet Pornography among Male University Students

Open Access: Yes


Background: Studies have shown that viewing internet pornography is like addiction. Addictions have been implicated in the development of psychosocial issues. It is important to develop an indigenous tool for the assessment of psychosocial issues in individuals viewing internet pornography. Objective: The current study was aimed to develop a scale for the assessment of psychosocial issues associated with internet pornography in male university students. Methodology: Initially, twenty five male university students were interviewed individually and item pool was generated by 40 different psychosocial issues statements explained by them. After the exclusion of dubious and repetitive items, the scale of 37 items with 3-point rating was given to twenty university male students for the pilot study. Finally, the scale with 37 items was administered on 200 university male students. Results: By using Principle Component Factor Analysis through Varimax Rotation the results extracted four factors solution of the scale namely, Anxiousness, Sexual preoccupation, Neurotic guilt and Low self-esteem. Conclusion: The scale has satisfactory internal consistency and concurrent validity. Moreover, the results were discussed in terms of implications of the study and psychosocial issues associated with internet pornography for counseling services.



    Razzaq, K., & Dar, M. R. (2020). Development and validation of a scale for the assessment of psychosocial issues associated with internet pornography among male university students. Pakistan Journal of Medical Research, 59(1), 22-27.