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Rates, Age, & Impact of Exposure to Pornography

Factors Associated with Pornographic Materials Use among Students in Kenya

Factors Associated with Pornographic Materials Use among Students in Selected Secondary Schools in Nairobi County, KenyaFull Article Name: Factors Associated with Pornographic Materials Use among Students in Selected Secondary Schools in Nairobi County, Kenya

Open Access: Yes


Pornography addiction is a behavioral challenge that may expose adolescents to psycho-social problems in their developmental stage. The purpose of this study was to determine factors associated with pornography addiction among the students in selected secondary schools in Nairobi County, Kenya. This study considered Classical Conditioning and Social Learning theories in explaining the pornography addiction among adolescents. A quantitative research approach was employed in this study in the selected secondary schools in Nairobi County. The sample size comprised 666 students who were purposively sampled from the two schools. Data collection was done using a questionnaire and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. The study findings indicated that a significant number of students were engaged in pornography. Factors attributed to pornographic material use include; time spent watching online content, availability of pornographic materials and accessibility to internet enabled devices. Majority of the respondents indicated mentorship and counseling as the most helpful ways to help in overcoming addiction problems instead of punishment.  Based on the findings from this study, it is important that parents and guardians of adolescents to monitor online activities that are being done by their children. Additionally, it is important that parents and teachers to familiarize themselves with current trends on adolescent sexuality for purposes of proper mentorship and parenting.



    Njeru, M., Nzyuko, S., & Ndegwa, S. (2019). Factors associated with pornographic materials use among students in selected secondary schools in Nairobi County, Kenya. African Research Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 6(1), 35-47.