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Reports & Summaries

New Research Commissioned by the BBFC into the Impact of Pornography on Children

Full Article Name: New Research Commissioned by the BBFC into the Impact of Pornography on Children Demonstrates Significant Support for Age-verification

Open Access: Yes


As the designated Age-verification Regulator, and in preparation for entry into force, the BBFC has commissioned this benchmarking research to report back to parliament on the effectiveness of this new regime.

2,344 parents and young people participated in the research, which was carried out by Revealing Reality. In the online survey, more than half (51%) of 11 to 13 year olds reported that they had seen pornography at some point, rising to 66% of 14-15 year olds.

The majority of young people’s first time watching pornography was accidental, with 62% of 11-13 year olds who had seen pornography reporting that they stumbled across it unintentionally. Children described feeling “grossed out” and “confused”, particularly those who had seen pornography when they were under the age of 10.

The report also demonstrated a discrepancy between parents’ views and what children were actually experiencing. Three quarters (75%) of parents felt that their child would not have seen pornography online. But of their children, more than half (53%) said they had in fact seen it.


    British Board of Film Classification. (2019). New research commissioned by the BBFC into the impact of pornography on children demonstrates significant support for age-verification.