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Grooming, Child Abuse, & Child Sexual Exploitation

Pathways and Prevention for Indecent Images of Children Offending

Full Article Title: Pathways and Prevention for Indecent Images of Children Offending: A Qualitative Study.

Open Access: Yes



The access of indecent images of children (IIOC) is an increasing societal problem; no longer resolvable by law enforcement alone. This research aimed to explore the views of individuals who accessed IIOC, regarding their offending pathways and what they believed could have prevented their offending or encouraged desistance. The qualitative analysis highlights a lack of deterrents for online offending, and the importance of education around legality, consequences, accountability and access to confidential help to prevent online offending. Recommendations regarding IIOC prevention strategies are considered in light of the findings.



“Adult pornography can act as a ‘gateway’ to initially viewing, and trigger to continued viewing, of IIOC [indecent images of children].” Early exposure to pornography was “an important contributing factor” to these men’s child sexual offending.



Bailey, A., Allen, L., Stevens, E., Dervley, R., Findlater, D., & Wefers, S. (2022). Pathways and Prevention for Indecent Images of Children Offending: A Qualitative Study. Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, and Prevention, 17, 1-24.