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Child and Youth Development

Pornography consumption and its effect on sexual performance in young men: Urology point of view

Open Access: Yes



Chronic pornography use is a public health problem that has considerable effects on men’s health, especially on their sexual performance, having effects that can be encompassed from a biological, social, and psychological approach. Our objective was to conduct a literature review to evaluate the consequences in terms of sexual performance of young men who have chronic consumption of pornography. Chronic pornography consumption was related to erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and alterations in genital anatomy and physiology. Social and psychological effects were also found, such as increased rates of violence towards women, problems with partners, and intimacy. However, benefits of controlled consumption of pornography have also been identified, such as reaffirmation of sexual orientation, stimulation of self-discovery of the body, and improved communication with partners. Chronic con- sumption of pornography has direct effects on the sexual performance of young people and should be evaluated by a multidisciplinary team that includes physiological, social, and psychological elements. However, its use may be recommended for people with psychological problems, urological problems, and urological cancer.



“This review updates on the chronic effects of pornography consumption and how it affects the life and sexual performance of young people from a biopsychosocial approach, encompassing physiological, social, and psychological consequences that can be addressed by urology.”

Main findings include:

“Chronic consumption of pornography has adverse effects on the health and sexual performance of young men, and the studies published so far prove it. From a more biological point of view, chronic consumption of pornography causes problems such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and ejaculatory problems. It has also been associated with difficulties in reaching orgasm.”

“Regarding the psychological component, the studies published so far have shown that it causes self-esteem problems concerning the self-perception of their genitals, such as their size and the duration of intercourse, generating issues of low self-esteem.”

“In the social component, it is known that young men who chronically consume pornography have more significant difficulties in relating to women, their rate of violence towards women, and their degree of objectification increases, in addition to not differentiating the performance of pornography and an actual sexual relationship, generating conflicts.”



Lucumi, Y., Nieva-Posso, D., & Garcia-Perdomo, A. (2024). Pornography consumption and its effect on sexual performance in young men: Urology point of view. International Journal of Urologic Nursing. DOI: 10.1111/ijun.12420