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Reports & Summaries

Research Findings of a Survey on How and Why Young New Zealanders View Online Pornography

NZ Youth and Porn: Research findings of a survey on how and why young New Zealanders view online pornographyFull Article Title: Research Findings of a Survey on How and Why Young New Zealanders View Online Pornography

Open Access: Yes


Research from New Zealand and around the world has established that children and adolescents view online pornography and there is significant concern amongst parents, young people, and those working in youth education and health about the potential effects of this exposure. There is ongoing debate about whether correlational studies of potential harms of pornography (for example an increase in sexual aggression, coercion or risky sexual behaviours) also imply causation. Nonetheless, research suggests that pornography can have significant effects on the attitudes and behaviours of young people. Following consultations with a variety of agencies and researchers – and conducting an in-house literature review– we identified a need for robust, up-to-date evidence about the scope of the issue. The OFLC commissioned Colmar Brunton to conduct a nationally representative quantitative survey. We are planning a subsequent qualitative phase in 2019.


    Office of Film and Literature Classification. (2018). NZ Youth and Porn: Research findings of a survey on how and why young New Zealanders view online pornography. Office of Film and Literature Classification.