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Mental Health

Risky Sexual Behaviors among Men in Residential Treatment for Substance Misuse

Full Article Title: Risky Sexual Behaviors among Men in Residential Treatment for Substance Misuse: The Role of Compulsive Sexual Behavior

Open Access: No


Compulsive sexual behaviors (CSB; i.e., a pattern of excessive and difficult to control sexual behaviors and fantasies) and risky sexual behaviors (e.g., unprotected sex, increased number of sexual partners, exchange of sex for drugs or money) are prevalent among those in treatment for substance misuse. CSB positively associated with risky sexual behaviors among high-risk populations such as men who have sex with men and persons living with sexually transmitted infections; however, this relationship has yet to be examined among men in treatment for substance misuse. Given the high prevalence of risky sexual behaviors among substance misusing populations, we examined if CSB were positively related to risky sexual behaviors among adult men in residential substance misuse treatment (N = 266), while statistically controlling for research supported correlates of risky sexual behavior including impulsivity, sensation seeking, affective instability, substance use, and age. CSB was positively associated with risky sexual behavior and accounted for a significant amount of the variance in the model predicting risky sexual behaviors. Our findings suggest that, among substance misuse patients, CSB may be a risk factor for risky sexual behaviors.


Garner, A. R., Shorey, R. C., Anderson, S., & Stuart, G. L. (2020). Risky sexual behaviors among men in residential treatment for substance misuse: The role of compulsive sexual behavior. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 27(1-2), 135–148.