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Industry & Economics

The Strip Club Industry in Victoria

Not Just Harmless Fun: The Strip Club Industry in VictoriaFull Article Name: Not Just Harmless Fun: The Strip Club Industry in Victoria

Open Access: Yes


This report shows the burgeoning strip club industry in Victoria, Australia, harms women and communities. Strip clubs harm the physical and mental health of women who strip, as well as the opportunities of all women who want equal sexual relationships with men. Strip clubs create no-go areas for women, and are responsible for increasing violence in the community. The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Australia (CATWA) argues that strip clubs need to be understood as part of the industry of prostitution and regulated in the same way as brothels. This means that they would be licensed, subject to planning restrictions, unable to obtain liquor licenses, and owners would need criminal record checks. To ensure that strip club are not seen merely as entertainment venues, like other night clubs, they should be regulated as commercial sex venues.


    Tyler, M., Jeffreys, S., Rave, N., Norma, C., Quek, K., Main, A., Chambers, K., & Coalition Against Trafficking in Women. (2010). Not just harmless fun: The strip club industry in Victoria.