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Library Category: Rates, Age, & Impact of Exposure to Pornography

  • The three-step process of self-objectification

  • Relationships Between Exposure to Online Pornography, Psychological Well-Being and Sexual Permissiveness

  • It’s always just there in your face: Young People’s Views on Porn

  • Exposure to Sexually Explicit Media in Early Adolescence is Related to Risky Sexual Behavior in Emerging Adulthood

  • What Types of Internet Services Make Adolescents Addicted?

  • Predictive Factors and Psychosocial Effects of Internet Addictive Behaviors in Cypriot Adolescents

  • Researching the Affects That Online Pornography Has on U.K. Adolescents Aged 11 to 16

  • Young Men Using Pornography

  • Revisiting the Association Between Pornography Use and Risky Sexual Behaviors

  • Internet Pornography Viewing Preference as a Risk Factor for Adolescent Internet Addiction