“Talking about child sexual abuse would have helped me”: Young people who sexually abused reflect on preventing harmful sexual behavior.
Associations Between Online Pornography Consumption and Sexual Dysfunction in Young Men: Multivariate Analysis Based on an International Web-Based Survey.
The Confluence Model of Sexual Aggression: An Application With Adolescent Males.
Associations of Adolescents’ Pornography Viewing with their Romantic Relationship Skills and Behaviors.
Early exposure to pornography: a form of sexual trauma.
Addressing Problematic Pornography Use in Adolescent/Young Adult Males: A Literature Review and Recommendations for Family Therapists.
Are adolescents who consume pornography different from those who engaged in online sexual activities?
Early Adolescent Boys’ Exposure to Internet Pornography: Relationships to Pubertal Timing, Sensation Seeking, and Academic Performance.
Associations Between Sexualized Media Consumption, Sexual Double Standards, and Sexual Coercion Perpetration and Victimization in Late Adolescent Sexually Active Boys and Girls from The Netherlands
Pornography consumption and its effect on sexual performance in young men: Urology point of view