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Library Tag: #discrimination

  • A Three-Wave Longitudinal Analysis of Preexisting Beliefs, Exposure to Pornography, and Attitude Change

  • The Roboticization of Consent

  • Pornography and attitudes supporting violence against women

  • A National Prospective Study of Pornography Consumption and Gendered Attitudes Toward Women

  • The Relationship Among Online Sexually Explicit Material Exposure to, Desire for, and Participation in Rough Sex

  • The Relationship Between Online Pornography and the Sexual Objectification of Women

  • You Looking at Her “Hot” Body May Not be “cool” for Me

  • Contributions of Mainstream Sexual Media Exposure to Sexual Attitudes, Perceived Peer Norms, and Sexual Behavior

  • Generation XXX: Pornography Acceptance and Use Among Emerging Adults

  • Sexual Attitudes of Classes of College Students Who Use Pornography