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Library Tag: #mentalhealth

  • Sex-Related Online Behaviors and Adolescents’ Body and Sexual Self-Perceptions

  • Neural Substrates of Sexual Desire in Individuals with Problematic Hypersexual Behavior

  • Associations Between Relational Sexual Behaviour, Pornography Use, and Pornography Acceptance Among US College Students

  • Activating the Centerfold Syndrome

  • The Impact of Internet Pornography on Adolescents: A Review of the Research

  • Sexual Self-Schemas of Heterosexual Men

  • Exposure to Internet Pornography Among Children and Adolescents: A National Survey

  • Due Diligence Obligation Of A State To Children Harmed By Porn: A Critical Appraisal

  • When Words Are Not Enough: The Search for the Effect of Pornography on Abused Women

  • Pornography’s Effects on Interpersonal Relationships