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Library Tag: #therapeutic

  • The Significance of Heavy Pornography

  • Liking, Wanting and the Incentive-Sensitization Theory of Addiction

  • Are Sexual Functioning Problems Associated with Frequent Pornography Use and/or Problematic Pornography Use?

  • The Development of the Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale (PPCS)

  • Why Do People Watch Pornography? The Motivational Basis of Pornography Use.

  • Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Considerations on Factors Contributing to Cybersex Addiction

  • Trading Later Rewards for Current Pleasure

  • Treatments for Internet Addiction, Sex Addiction and Compulsive Buying

  • Neurophysiological Analysis of Porn Addiction to Learning Disabilities

  • The Assessment and Treatment of Adult Heterosexual Men with Self-Perceived Problematic Pornography Use