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The Dangerous Role of Human Trafficking in Porn

The dangerous role ofhuman trafficking in porn

“Prostitution and pornography are one and the same. Porn is prostitution on paper, in the movies, on Facebook, on Instagram,” says Vednita Carter, an anti-sex trafficking activist, author, and the Executive Director of Breaking Free, an organization that helps women exit prostitution. “As long as porn is legal, there will always be prostitution. We cannot end prostitution until we end pornography.”

In this conversation, Vednita Carter speaks with Culture Reframed Founder and President, Dr. Gail Dines, about the connections between porn and prostitution and the disproportionate impact on Black and Brown girls. As Dr. Dines says, “What amazes me is that all these so-called progressive organizations that are arguing for the legalization of prostitution – they’re doing so for an industry that is falling most heavily on the shoulders of young African-American girls.”

Porn and Trafficking: Making the Connections

Watch as Dr. Dines and Ms. Carter challenge dominant narratives arguing for the legalization of prostitution and discuss the dangerous role of human trafficking in porn.

For more information about this topic, join us on December 6, 2022, for our virtual conference, “Pornography & Prostitution: Connecting the Dots.” Ms. Carter is a featured speaker who will present, “Prostitution and Sex Work: Are They One and the Same?” Register here.