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June 2024: A Unified Front to Tackle Pornography’s Role in Child Abuse

Culture Reframed is the premier science-based, global organization working to stop the emotional, behavioral, and sexual harms of pornography to children and youth. Join our online community to receive updates on our work, announcements of upcoming events, and the latest news related to pornography and youth.

For young people today, pornography is the de facto sex education. It’s a scary realization, but when porn is more prevalent in society than comprehensive sex ed curriculums, there’s really no way around it.

Young people have the right to be the author of their own sexuality, free from the coercive and manipulative tactics of the porn industry. As we celebrate Pride Month, we recognize that LGBTQ+ youth are disproportionately vulnerable to sexual exploitation, especially by the porn industry.

At a time when so few U.S. states mandate sex ed, even fewer require acknowledgment of sexual health for this community of young people. In fact, eight states explicitly restrict the teaching of LGBTQ+-related content.

This month’s newsletter features an interview with Culture Reframed Director of Programming Dr. Mandy Sanchez about the need for inclusive and medically appropriate sex ed and the challenges LGBTQ+ youth face without it. I hope you’ll give it a read.

I also invite you to explore our porn-critical sex ed curriculum, a free research-based resource for educators and professionals. Properly educating young people about sex and relationships is one way we can counter the emotional, behavioral, and sexual harms of pornography on young people.


– Maggie Daman

Director of Operations, Culture Reframed

The Imperative of Inclusive Sex Education for LGBTQ+ Youth

Developing healthy sexuality is a core developmental milestone for children and adolescents and imperative to their overall health and well-being. It is critical for all youth but arguably even more profound for those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+). In this interview, Culture Reframed’s Dr. Mandy Sanchez elaborates on the critical need for inclusive sex education, addressing the challenges LGBTQ+ youth face — including the role pornography plays — and the work Culture Reframed is doing to support them.

Watch: A Unified Front to Tackle Pornography’s Role in Child Abuse

The network of Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) across the United States and abroad is an important partner for Culture Reframed and efforts to address children’s exposure to pornography. Through education, training, and development of resources, CACs and Culture Reframed are collaborating to help child victims of abuse and practitioners in the field. Watch Dr. Amelia Siders, a licensed clinical psychologist, discuss the opportunities of this partnership during a session at our virtual conference, The Impact of Pornography on Young People: Research, Practice, and Solutions.


Tune In: Dr. Gail Dines Discusses the Impact of Modern Porn on Young People

Dr. Gail Dines joined the Red Light Exposé podcast to share insights on the impact of modern internet porn on young people. “You are surrounded by [porn culture] everywhere you go: magazines, tv, and of course, pornography, which is the blueprint for how women and girls are represented in our culture,” she said. Among the topics discussed include the mechanism behind OnlyFans and AI’s potential impacts on the future of porn.

Upcoming Events

2024 Krimes Against Kids Conference
July 24-26 | Orlando, FL & Virtual

Culture Reframed’s Dr. Mandy Sanchez joins a roster of presenters dedicated to protecting children at the 2024 Krimes Against Kids Conference. Presented both in person in Orlando, FL, and online, the conference is designed for professionals who work with children, including law enforcement personnel, child protective service personnel, victim advocates, attorneys, therapists, counselors, prosecutors, and social workers.

What others are saying

Surgeon General: Why I’m Calling for a Warning Label on Social Media Platforms (New York Times)

In this essay, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy says the mental health crisis among young people is an emergency, influenced significantly by social media. Read now.

Arizona Schools Are Failing to Provide Sex Education & Homophobia Is to Blame (LGBTQ Nation)

In Arizona, a shocking lack of sexual education curriculum in public schools is linked to negative sexual health outcomes for young people, particularly LGBTQ+ youth. Read now.

Plan to Ban Sex Education for Children Under Nine (BBC)

A new government proposal in England will ban schools from teaching sex ed and gender identity to children under the age of 9. Educators and unions share concerns about the lack of evidence for age-inappropriate materials. Read now.

Elon Musk Gave an Amazon Tribe the Internet and Now They’re Addicted to Porn (NME)

Starlink, an expansive satellite internet constellation by Elon Musk’s SpaceX, has brought the advent of the internet to remote parts of the Amazon. Now, tribal leaders are troubled by increased exposure to explicit content and the aggressive behavior of men. Read now.

Child Predators Are Using AI to Create Sexual Images of Their Favorite ‘Stars’ (The Guardian)

Predators active on the dark web are increasingly using artificial intelligence to create sexually explicit images of children, fixating especially on “star” victims, child safety experts warn. Read now.

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