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Library Category: Mental Health

  • Trading Later Rewards for Current Pleasure

  • Functional Neuroanatomy of Human Cortex Cerebri in Relation to Wanting Sex and Having It

  • Visual Sexual Stimuli—Cue or Reward?

  • Gender Differences in the Relationship of Sexual Functioning

  • Inhibitory Control and Problematic Internet-Pornography Use – The Important Balancing Role of the Insula

  • Pornography Induced Erectile Dysfunction Among Young Men

  • The Assessment and Treatment of Adult Heterosexual Men with Self-Perceived Problematic Pornography Use

  • Attenuation of Deviant Sexual Fantasy across the Lifespan in United States Adult Males

  • Pornography Addiction- A Supranormal Stimulus Considered in the Context of Neuroplasticity

  • Internet-Administered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Hypersexual Disorder