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Library Category: Shaping Sexual Behaviors & Sexual Scripts

  • Theoretical Antecedents of Male Adolescents’ Problematic Pornography Use

  • Bridging the Theoretical Gap: Using Sexual Script Theory to Explain the Relationship Between Pornography Use and Sexual Coercion

  • Risk or Release?: Porn Use Trajectories and the Accumulation of Sexual Partners

  • Longitudinal Associations Between the Use of Sexually Explicit Material and Adolescents’ Attitudes and Behaviors

  • Sexualised Music Media and Children’s Gender Role and Self-identity Development

  • Adolescent Condom Use, Parent-adolescent Sexual Health Communication, and Pornography

  • The Impacts of Sexual Media Exposure on Adolescent and Emerging Adults’ Dating and Sexual Violence Attitudes and Behaviors

  • Seeing and Being Seen

  • Pornography and Teenagers: The Importance of Individual Differences

  • Adolescents and Web Porn: A New Era of Sexuality