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Library Category: Socialization & Relationship Outcomes

  • A Meta-Analysis of the Published Research on the Effects of Pornography

  • I (Dis)Like it Like That: Gender, Pornography, and Liking Sex

  • Pornography and Sexual Behavior: Do Sexual Attitudes Mediate or Confound?

  • Personal Pornography Viewing and Sexual Satisfaction

  • A Three-Wave Longitudinal Analysis of Preexisting Beliefs, Exposure to Pornography, and Attitude Change

  • Pornography Consumption and Its Association with Sexual Concerns and Expectations Among Young Men and Women

  • What Behaviors Do Young Heterosexual Australians See in Pornography?

  • Generation XXX: Pornography Acceptance and Use Among Emerging Adults

  • Understanding and Predicting Classes of College Students Who Use Pornography

  • Sexual Attitudes of Classes of College Students Who Use Pornography