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Archives: Library Article

  • Male peer support and sexual assault: the relation between high-profile, high school sports participation and sexually predatory behaviour

  • Preventing Problematic Internet Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Consensus Guidance

  • Predicting the Willingness to Engage in Non-Consensual Forwarding of Sexts

  • Me, too Much?

  • Predicting Emotional Abuse Among a Sample of College Students

  • Internet Pornography Exposure and Women’s Attitude Towards Extramarital Sex

  • Associative Pathways Between Pornography Consumption and Reduced Sexual Satisfaction

  • Personality Factors as Predictors of Sexting

  • Decision-Making in Gambling Disorder, Problematic Pornography Use, and Binge-Eating Disorder

  • Neuroscientific Approaches to (Online) Pornography Addiction