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Archives: Library Article

  • Mental- And Physical-Health Indicators and Sexually Explicit Media Use Behavior by Adults

  • Men’s Leisure and Women’s Lives: The Impact of Pornography on Women

  • Mass Media Effects on Youth Sexual Behavior Assessing the Claim for Causality

  • Korean Men’s Pornography Use, Their Interest in Extreme Pornography, and Dyadic Sexual Relationships

  • Implicit Associations in Cybersex Addiction

  • Does Deviant Pornography Use Follow a Guttman-like Progression?

  • Cyberpornography: Time Use, Perceived Addiction, Sexual Functioning, and Sexual Satisfaction

  • Factors Predicting Cybersex Use and Difficulties in Forming Intimate Relationships

  • Is Internet Pornography Causing Sexual Dysfunctions?

  • Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction