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Library Category: Socialization & Relationship Outcomes

  • Internet Pornography Exposure and Women’s Attitude Towards Extramarital Sex

  • Associative Pathways Between Pornography Consumption and Reduced Sexual Satisfaction

  • Sexual Media Content and Effects

  • Are Playboy (and girl) Norms Behind the Relationship Problems Associated with Pornography Viewing in Men and Women?

  • Young Adult Women’s Reports of Their Male Romantic Partner’s Pornography Use

  • Pornographic Exposure Over the Life Course and the Severity of Sexual Offenses

  • Pornography and Heterosexual Women’s Intimate Experiences with a Partner

  • Pornography and Sexual Aggression in Adult Males

  • Women’s Pornography Consumption, Alcohol Use, and Sexual Victimization

  • Pornography, Alcohol, and Male Sexual Dominance