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Library Tag: #sexualscripts

  • Predictive Factors and Psychosocial Effects of Internet Addictive Behaviors in Cypriot Adolescents

  • Researching the Affects That Online Pornography Has on U.K. Adolescents Aged 11 to 16

  • Me, too Much?

  • The Components of the Adolescent Brain and Its Unique Sensitivity to Sexually Explicit Material

  • Young Men Using Pornography

  • Adolescent Pornography Use and Dating Violence among a Sample of Primarily Black and Hispanic, Urban-Residing, Underage Youth

  • Viewing Pornography Through a Children’s Rights Lens

  • Revisiting the Association Between Pornography Use and Risky Sexual Behaviors

  • Internet Pornography Viewing Preference as a Risk Factor for Adolescent Internet Addiction

  • Understanding and Predicting Profiles of Compulsive Sexual Behavior Among Adolescents